One of the best FREE Guitar Tablature applications around.
Take your guitar tabs wherever you go, and search online for the ones that you don't have!
What it does:
- Searches for guitar tabs online
- Search for guitar tabs by band
- Views retrieved guitar tabs
- Saves online tabs to phone
- Filters saved tabs by band
- Adds / Edits your own guitar tabs with copy/paste
- Pinch and zoom tab view
- Phone stays awake in tab view so that it doesn't sleep when viewing and playing
- You can also copy tab files from your pc to sd card
What it doesn't do:
- Does not Guarantee accurate tabs
(tabs are retrieved from an online archive)
- Does not Have ratings or stars for tabs
(The online archive does not have this functionality)
When started for the first time, Tabapp Pro creates a folder in the root of your SD card named 'tabapp' where it saves your tabs.
If you are having troubles with the app force closing immediately upon load, please manually create the 'tabapp' folder in the root of your sd card. (For some strange reason a small amount of handsets are not letting the app create this folder)
You can also add your tabs from files on your computer.
Simply paste your tab files (.txt) into this folder with the filenames formatted like this ('bandname_song-name.txt').
Please make sure that you replace the spaces with (-) dashes and seperate the band from the song with an (_) underscore.
Please email <a href=""></a> to report bugs or errors so that I may fix and update as soon as possible.
When commenting below, please make sure you give sufficient details, if the app is not working for you.
Additional details help me chase down bugs and update the app as soon as I can.
I hope you enjoy using this app!
-- Tested on:
- Android 2.2 (HTC Desire)
- Android 2.2 (HTC Aria)
- Android 2.3.3 (HTC Desire S)
- Android 2.2 (emulator)
- Android 2.3.1 (emulator)
- Android 2.3.2 (Asus Transformer Tablet)
- Android 2.3.3 (emulator)
- Android 4.0 (Asus Transformer)
- Android 4.0 (Samsung Nexus)